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Unparalleled Accuracy

From the beginning, our founder envisioned short, non-timed assessments that were accurate and reliable. Our proprietary assessments are deeply rooted in science by using statistical analysis, not by proving a theory. The result is superior assessments unparalleled in accuracy.

Quick, Accurate & Reliable

Behavioral Assessments

The ProScan Survey measures the dynamics of individuality—how individuals act, react, communicate, lead and manage stress.


ProScan dynametrics include:

  • Behavioral traits

  • Decision-making style

  • Energy measures—energy styles, energy level

  • Trait adjustments due to external and internal pressure

  • Satisfaction index

  • Energy drain and available energy level

  • Motivators

  • Overriding needs

TeamScan® graphs a composite of the individuals in a group, showing likely group work styles and preferences in a department, division or the entire organization.


TeamScan® predicts group interactions, uncovers why some teams are more productive than others, and identifies the corporate culture in concrete terms.

TeamScan builds on the individual metrics of ProScan and combines members into a group with several specific application reports. Designed with the intent to understand team culture and measure team performance, TeamScan improves relations and solidifies bonds by building upon the strengths of individuals and providing the necessary components to promote effective communication and conflict resolution

Take a Free ProScan® Assessment
Job Position Assessments


The Job Dynamics Analysis (JDA) Survey measures the dynamics of the job—the key behavioral traits, energy styles and level the position requires in order to be successful on the job.

  • Behavioral traits

  • Decision-making style

  • Energy styles (how tasks and projects are completed)

  • Energy level (the amount and battery charge and capacity)

With comprehensive and easily-interpreted

reporting, you can hire the right candidate, understand what makes people tick, and build dynamic teams. Learn more about the PDP system and how we deliver results...

We captured the key items from the Personal Dynamics report into a 4-page report to simplify the one-on-one feedback process and ignite implementation of PDP to client account associates.


This four-page report targets four main areas for an individual feedback session:

  • What makes you TICK...with key self-coaching tips for Basic/Natural Self,

  • How are life's pressures affecting you...with self-coaching tips for identifying negative pressures,

  • What motivates you...with a new worksheet to identify and define key motivators and overriding needs, and

  • How you can impact personal performance...with open ended questions to link basic strengths, priority pressures and motivators for a solid take-away action page with one-year and five-year targets.

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